Saturday, 6 September 2014

Shop of the Week w/c 01/09/2014 - Max Ollie and Me

This week's shop of the week is the fabulous Max Ollie and Me run by Kirri.

 Hi Kirri tell us a little more about who are you and what you do...

Hello my name is Kirri and I am the owner and designer maker at Max, Ollie and me. Max, Ollie and me is a home grown business that started when I was in my teenage years, as I recovered from a long childhood illness. 

What inspires you in your work?

I live and breath everything creative and it rules my life, everywhere I go I found new inspiration and my mind is always whirling with colours and textures! 


What themes do you pursue?

I love to work with the themes of nostalgia, memories and childhood. These themes are always drawn into my work, even if I try to move away from the theme. 

What memorable responses have you had to your work?

A big memorable response I've had to my work which made me proud was when the principal of the art college I attended bought my show piece, from my final major project. This piece was a ceramic corset and full layered paper an mulberry bark skirt, with machine stitching and dried flowers stitched into the skirt. I couldn't believe out of all the work the principal saw every day, she chose to buy my work.


What work do you most enjoying doing?

I am never happier than when I am sat sewing at my retro, full metal, Bernina sewing machine. Her name is actually Bella, she may be old, but i just can't work with any other machine! 

What wouldn’t you do without?

Well it would have to be Bella, but I also adore buttons and I will never have enough! My eyes are always peeled, wherever I go for buttons, new or vintage. I love them all!

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